
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

It seems our little girl is all "growed up".  She's 21 months old, 3 feet tall, and weighs 34 pounds.  She sleeps in a modified "big girl" bed and has the assertiveness and will of an 18 year old.  She is saying more and more, although we're sure we are the only two people who can understand most of it.  She "talks" all the time.  Often jabbering to herself while laying in bed or while I'm making dinner.  She seems fascinated with the "carmon man"-garbage man and the truck he drives.  When she hears the tell-tale "beep, beep, beep" of any large vehicle, she screams, "carmon man, carmon, man!".  She also loves to put on my heels, carry my purse and kiss us goodbye before heading to "work".  She is a master imitator.  She wants to use all the tools we use and do all the things we are doing. She knows what is growing in mommy's belly, "baby", and seems okay with it.  :)  
She currently hates bathing or showering, putting her shoes on, or following most directives we give her.  We've found that she prefers to do the exact opposite of what we ask her to do, so in some situations (staying on the sidewalk, for example) we ask for the opposite (please walk in the street).  It usually works, or we just take the opportunity away all together.  It's super fun!  :)  
She loves to cuddle and climb into bed with us, saying "down" to instruct us to give her a boost, and then "down" when she's ready for us all to get up.  
She also loves vegetables.  I'm sure now that I've written this, she won't eat another one today, but it seems to be all she eats, veggies and fruits.  
We have several recent pictures of our new SoCal home and I still need to finish our road trip entry from our drive down here, but I wanted to document some of our daily life with H while I had a chance (she's napping).  

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